Today’s Assistant.

Empowering unprecedented productivity via generative AI and integrated automation

Today’s Assistant.

Empowering unprecedented productivity via generative AI and integrated automation

Leverage the power of the latest chatGPT-4 technology, customized to psych work


Developed by psychologists who understand your caseload demands

Psivey Provides a Way to Use ChatGPT Privately, Securely, and Ethically

What is an “Open API” and why should it be avoided?

An open API, also called public API, is an application programming interface made publicly available to software developers. Open APIs are published on the internet and shared freely, allowing the owner of a network-accessible service to give a universal access to consumers. Using ChatGPT without Psivey goes completely against HIPAA & FERPA Compliance.

You May Delay, But Time Will Not

-Benjamin Franklin

  • Flipping back and forth through the DSM-V TR researching diagnoses?

  • Wanting an unbiased second opinion on your diagnosis?

  • Have you become less client centered due to the sheer volume of your caseload?

  • Do you want to do more but struggle to keep up with caseload demands?

  • Want to make more money at your practice but can’t take on anymore client’s due to cumbersome and time consuming processes?

  • Want to use ChatGPT tools but concerned about data security and privacy?

  • Are you wishing you could be more present during client sessions?

  • Jumping from site to site for report writing resources?

  • Unable to work with examinees with bilingual parents because of language limitations?

  • Wishing your interview and paperwork process was less complicated?

Amplify Your Productivity & Feel Confident in Your Practice

Use Psivey to…

  • Get a second opinion about your DSM-V TR Diagnosis

  • Quickly get insurance coding information

  • Efficiently research the latest psychology research so you can provide your client’s with the most up to date knowledge

  • Receive differential diagnoses with evidence for and against the differential to use internally or within your report

  • Securely record your therapy or testing sessions and receive a full transcript and analytics of the session

  • Write reports faster

  • Break language barriers and work confidently with people from all linguistic backgrounds

  • Streamline your client interview process

  • Provide reports in virtually any language

  • Upload your notes and have them summarized for your report or internal use

  • Upload any questionnaire (social dev history, medical documentation, etc.) and have the information summarized for your report

  • Decide what reading level your reporting output will be in

  • Translate real time conversations to virtually any language, negating the need for a translator

  • Create therapy progress notes more efficiently

Feel more confident knowing you’re working with the latest and greatest mental health tech assistant

Psivey is Your Way Into the

Future of Mental Health


Psivey will greatly enhance your efficiency and make you feel more confident in your thought processes and decisions. You can think of Psivey as your oxygen mask on an airplane. Psivey will allow you to take care of yourself first with the right tools so you can be ready to take care of everyone else.


Set your team up for success with streamlined processes and the most secure HIPAA compliant mental health tech assistant on the market. Build your team’s confidence and efficiency. Psivey will help everyone meet their reporting deadlines and provide diagnostic/ eligibility clarity.

Set yourself up for success with the right HIPAA compliant tools at your disposal so you’ll be more mentally ready to tackle that caseload and help more people, more confidently.

Let’s Connect